logo of together ADHD
Proud to Announce Big Plans


Together ADHD is a website and nonprofit organization that aims to create a community of people who have ADHD. The aim is to help them cope with their challenges, improve their well-being, and achieve their goals. The website offers a buddy chat feature, where users can connect with each other and share their experiences, tips, and encouragement. The website also provides information and links to ADHD-related videos, articles, podcasts, and books. The nonprofit organization seeks to raise awareness and funds for ADHD research and advocacy, as well as to offer support groups and workshops for people with ADHD and their families.

Current Goals

As a new and growing website and nonprofit, Together ADHD has several goals for the near future. These include:

  • Getting the buddy chat feature up and running, and ensuring that it is safe, secure, and user-friendly.
  • Looking into ways to promote the website and nonprofit, such as social media, online forums, blogs, newsletters, and word-of-mouth.
  • Exploring the possibility of creating and posting TikTok videos that showcase the stories, struggles, and successes of people with ADHD, as well as the benefits of joining Together ADHD.
  • Having regular meetings every week, where the team members can discuss their progress, challenges, feedback, and ideas.
  • Reaching out to other Facebook groups and online communities that are related to ADHD, and inviting them to check out the website and nonprofit, and join the buddy chat and support groups.
  • Updating and expanding the information and resources on the website, by researching the latest findings and trends on ADHD, and linking to relevant and reliable sources.
  • Waiting for the 501(c)3 status approval, which will allow the nonprofit to receive tax-deductible donations and grants, and to apply for a GoFundMe campaign.
  • Obtaining an EIN (Employer Identification Number), which will enable the nonprofit to open a bank account, hire employees, and file tax returns.

Future Goals

Once the current goals are achieved, Together ADHD has some long-term goals for the future. These include:

  • Expanding the team and hiring more staff and volunteers, who can help with the website maintenance, content creation, fundraising, outreach, and administration.
  • Creating and hosting more support groups and workshops, both online and offline, that can cater to the diverse needs and interests of people with ADHD and their families.
  • Partnering with other organizations and professionals that work with ADHD, such as researchers, clinicians, educators, coaches, and advocates, and collaborating on projects, events, and campaigns.
  • Developing and launching a mobile app, that can make the website and nonprofit more accessible and convenient for users, and offer more features and functions.
  • Establishing and growing a loyal and engaged fan base, that can spread the word, support the cause, and contribute to the mission of Together ADHD.


Together ADHD is a website and nonprofit organization that provides support and resources for people with ADHD. It has a vision of creating a community of people who have ADHD and help them cope with their challenges, improve their well-being, and achieve their goals. It has several current and future goals that aim to make the website and nonprofit more effective, popular, and impactful. Together ADHD invites anyone who has ADHD or is interested in learning more about it to visit the website, join the buddy chat and support groups, and become a part of the movement.

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