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My Journey with ADHD Coaching and Together ADHD


I have been living with ADHD for most of my life, but I did not get diagnosed until I was an adult. I always struggled with keeping up with household tasks, managing my time, staying focused, and achieving my goals. I knew I needed some outside help to cope with my symptoms and challenges, but I did not know where to find it. I tried therapy and case management, but they were not enough. They helped me with some aspects of my mental health, but they could not dedicate enough time and attention to help me with my specific ADHD needs. I needed someone who understood how my brain worked and could guide me through the daily struggles and the big decisions.
That is when I started looking into ADHD coaching. ADHD coaching is a service that helps people with ADHD develop skills, strategies, and habits to overcome their challenges and reach their potential. A coach collaborates with you one-on-one to help you identify your strengths, set realistic goals, create action plans, track your progress, and celebrate your achievements. A coach also helps you with accountability, motivation, organization, and problem-solving. A coach is not a therapist, a teacher, or a boss. A coach is a partner, a supporter, and a cheerleader.
I was lucky enough to find a coach who was a good match for me. He was knowledgeable, compassionate, and patient. He helped me with many aspects of my life, such as managing my finances, organizing my home, planning my career, and improving my relationships. He also helped me with my self-esteem, my confidence, and my happiness. I learned a lot from him, and I felt a lot better about myself and my future. I saw the benefits of coaching in my personal and professional life.
However, there was a big problem. Coaching is not covered by medical insurance, and it is very expensive. I had to pay for it out of my own pocket, and I was already struggling financially. I could not afford to continue coaching for a long time. I had to make a difficult decision and stop working with my coach. I was worried about how I would manage on my own without her guidance and support. She asked me a very important question before we ended our sessions: "What are the things you will need to help manage on your own without coaching?"
I thought about this question for a while. I realized that the answer was simple: I needed friends who understood ADHD thinking. I needed people who could relate to my experiences, my challenges, and my strengths. I needed people who could offer me advice, encouragement, and feedback. I needed people who could share their stories, their tips, and their resources. I needed people who could be my allies, my mentors, and my peers. I needed a community of people with ADHD who could support me and each other.
Within hours of this realization, I started to create that community. I came up with the idea of Together ADHD, an organization that would help people with ADHD connect with each other and access coaching services. I wanted to create a platform where people with ADHD could find and join groups of peers who had similar interests, goals, and challenges. I wanted to create a program where people with ADHD could receive coaching from trained and certified coaches at a reduced cost or for free. I wanted to create a movement where people with ADHD could raise awareness, advocate for their rights, and celebrate their diversity.
That is how my journey with ADHD coaching and Together ADHD began. It has been a rewarding and challenging journey so far, and I am excited to see where it will take me and the people I serve. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my story with you, and I hope it inspires you to join me and the Together ADHD community. Together making ADHD a superpower.

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